Pudding Ice Cream Sundae (So easy, it is hardly a recipe!)


This dessert is so easy it is hardly a recipe. It is the perfect dessert for Valentine’s Day because you make it the night before! Yup, so no stressing on the actual night. No thinking all through dinner “Am I burning the cake in the oven?”, “How will I frost this in time?”, and the biggest one of all “Will this even taste good?”Image

This recipe doesn’t require an oven! Just a bowl, a whisk, and a knife! That is absolutely it! Oh yeah and chocolate sauce and whipped cream if you want to take this dessert to the next level (and trust me you do!)Image

This dessert will fill four champagne flutes or roughly two water glasses, although it isn’t an exact recipe so you may have a little left over.


4-8 strawberries

1 1/2 cups milk (any level of fat will work)

1 package of banana cream instant pudding

1 package of Golden Oreos

1 package of traditional chocolate Oreos


1. Prepare the pudding as directed but using 1 1/2 cups of milk instead of the recommended 2 cups to create a thicker and creamier pudding that will hold up better. Allow the pudding to set up for 10-15 minutes in the refrigerator after beating the pudding.

2. While the pudding is setting up, separate at least 8 Oreos of each flavor and removing the cream. Slice 4-5 strawberries crosswise making thick disks.

3. Once the pudding has set up, start assembling! I placed a spoonful of pudding at the bottom of the glass, then one Oreo, then a slice of strawberry, then an Oreo of the other flavor, then pudding, then repeat! Champagne glasses are roughly as wide as an Oreo but for a water glass you may need to break up Oreos to create a full layer. Once you have filled up your glasses put them in the fridge.

4. Go to sleep and pat yourself on the back! By the time you are finishing up dinner on Valentine’s Day your pudding sundaes will be completely finished!

Wasn’t that easy? You don’t need to tell your date that though!


Do you have any dessert recipes that are both easy and impressive?

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